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25.05.2024 |  Day 2 | Reports


1. Neuropelvioperineology: an integrated approach to the diagnosis and treatment of pelvic dysfunctions.
GLEB KOVALYOV, urologist, Ph.D. Med., head of the department of personalized neurourology and restoration of pelvic functions of the N.Pirogov’s Clinic of St. Petersburg State University, Associate Professor of the Department of Hospital Surgery of St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg.
2. Central and peripheral sensitization in a patient with chronic pelvic pain.
YAKOV MIRKIN, urologist, chief of the Clinic of Urogynecology and Neurourology, Krasnodar.
3. Chronic pelvic pain in women: ways to solve the problem.
ARTYOM PERMYAKOV, gynecologist, urologist, Ph.D. Med., president of the Association of Urogynecologists (AUG), psychologist, founder of the school of aesthetic urogynecology “de Novo” for doctors, founder of an online school for patients on pelvic floor rehabilitation and closed women's club "Azbuka Health", Moscow.

4. Chronic pelvic pain in the practice of a vascular surgeon.
ALEXANDER SHAPOVALOV, vascular surgeon, phlebologist. L. Sokolov’s Center for Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, St. Petersburg.
5. A patient with pelvic pain at an appointment with a neurologist.
VASILII KISELEV, neurologist, neurophysiologist, Ph.D. Med., clinic Reaclinic, St. Petersburg.

6. Questionnaire for assessing chronic pelvic pain and dysfunction of the pelvic organs (OCPTF) A. Ryzhikh’s National Medical Research Center of Coloproctology is a new tool for assessing the condition of patients with pelvic floor dysfunction. First experience of clinical use.
OKSANA FOMENKO, neurophysiologist, M.D., head of the Laboratory of Clinical Pathophysiology of the Federal State Institution " A. Ryzhikh’s National Medical Research Center of Coloproctology " Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow.

7. Neurophysiological diagnostics in patients with chronic pelvic pain syndrome.
PAVEL SHORNIKOV, Ph.D. Med., Assistant of the Department of Urology of the Kuban State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Head of neurophusiology department No. 2 GBUZ "Prof. S. Ochapovsky’s Research Institute-KKB No. 1, Krasnodar.

8. MRI diagnosis of pudendal nerve neuropathy.
AZIZ KHALIKOV, radiologist, Ph.D. Med., associate professor of the Faculty of Medicine of St. Petersburg State University, chief physician of NMC Tomography LLC, St. Petersburg.

9. The place of CT in the diagnosis of chronic pelvic pain syndrome.
VICTORIA SOROKA, radiologist, Ph.D. Med., State Healthcare Institution St. Luka’s Clinical Hospital, N.Pirogov’s Clinic of High Medical Technologies of St. Petersburg State University, Clinical Hospital "RZD-MEDICINE", St. Petersburg.

10. Possibilities of ultrasound in the diagnosis of damage to the pelvic nerves.
EDUARD MALETSKY, specialist in neuromuscular ultrasound, Ph.D. Med., I. Mechnikov’s North-Western State Medical University, clinic Reaclinic, St. Petersburg.

Responsibility and protection of personal data:

Chronic pelvic pain syndrome is a complex multidisciplinary problem. Its effective solutions require the participation of a variety of medical specialists and the patient often finds his doctor after going through a long and thorny path.
We conceived this conference as a point where a neurologist and gynecologist, a neurophysiologist and MRI specialist, a neurosurgeon and a rehabilitologist can meet and discuss the diagnosis and treatment of chronic pelvic pain.


Interdisciplinary online meeting for doctors, physical therapists and rehabilitation specialists

Saint-Petersburg, Russia
May 24-25, 2024

1. Conservative treatment of a neurological pelvic pain.
VASILII KISELEV, neurologist, neurophysiologist, Ph.D. Med., clinic Reaclinic, St. Petersburg.

2. Possibilities and limitations in physical rehabilitation of patients with chronic pelvic pain. 
MAXIM MIKHEEV, neurologist, OMT, Ph.D. Med., Academy of Physical Rehabilitation, St. Petersburg.

3. Local reflex pain: the role of fascia.
ANTONIO STECCO, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, New York University School of Medicine. President of Fascial Manipulation Association, USA.

4. Physical therapy in the complex treatment of chronic pelvic pain. Clinical case. 
DENIS SUDARKIN, neurologist, PT, ОМТ, Clinic Reaclinic, St. Petersburg.

5. Assessment and treatment of sacroiliac joint - a frequent source of pelvic pain.
MATTHIAS BURKERT, PT, OMT, M. Sc, Munich, Germany.

6. Interventional treatment of chronic pelvic pain. 
MARAT IVANOV, anesthesiologist, head of the pain treatment center of the Scandinavia clinic, member of the board of the Association for Interventional Pain Treatment, Assistant of the V. Gordeeva’s Department of Anesthesiology, Reanimatology and Emergency Pediatrics St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, St. Petersburg.

7. Pudendal neuralgia as a cause of pelvic pain: clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment. 
DMITRY CHAGAVA, neurosurgeon, Ph.D. Med., head of the neurosurgical department of the Central Clinical Hospital of Civil Aviation, associate professor of the department of neurosurgery of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Moscow.

8. Laparoscopic decompression of the pudendal nerve and implantation of a neuroprosthesis. 
OGANES DILANYAN, urologist, oncologist, Ph.D. Med., chief of the Dilanyan’s Clinic, Moscow.

Online registration is open

until 12:00 on May 23rd.

When registering, be sure to include your e-mail.
On May 23, an email will be sent to your email with further instructions (check your SPAM).



Start: 10:00 

Clinical diversity and diagnosis of chronic pelvic pain syndrome

24.05.2024  |  Day 1 | Reports



Answers to questions after the end of the reports

• The personal information provided by you will be stored in our database and may be used to inform you about the news of this and upcoming events. This information will not be sold or distributed to third parties.

• Neither the conference organizers, nor their agents or representatives, shall be held responsible for any injuries, losses, or damages that may occur to participants for any reason.

• All participants are responsible for obtaining adequate insurance coverage for any type of injury.

• The conference organizers shall not be liable for non-performance of their obligations due to strikes, riots, or other reasons beyond their control.

• In exceptional cases, if necessary, the conference organizers reserve the right to make changes to the conference program without prior notice.

• The conference organizers reserve the right to close registration at any time if the number of registered participants reaches full capacity. In such a case, we will not accept complaints from individuals or groups who were unable to register due to the closure of conference registration.

Academy Of Physical Rehabilitation, Zheleznovodsk 32

Start: 10:00

Treatment of a patient with chronic pelvic pain syndrome

Fill out the application for participation

Chronic pelvic pain.

Conference organizers:

We don't have any doubts  that for successful CPP solution, each participant of the diagnostic and treatment process needs a good knowledge of both the specialized and related pathology, as well as confident and reliable interdisciplinary cooperation.
An interesting two-day online meeting awaits you with some of the best specialists in the diagnosis and treatment of pelvic pain from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Munich and New York.

+7 (812) 385-58-40


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